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Financial Assistance & Scholarship Application

Use the following checklist to make sure all information and supporting documents are submitted to our office. Delay in the following items will hinder  processing your financial aid application.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not qualify for full scholarship, you will be considered for financial assistance. However; if you do not qualify for scholarship funding, it does not mean you will automatically qualify for financial assistance funding even if you are considered. Funding is only awarded to those applicants who fall within the qualification guidelines and if funding is still available.

Check List:

  • Complete and submit financial aid application (one per family)

  • Copy of your 2024 W-2 or IRS Form 1040

  • Copies of 2 of the most recent pay-stubs per individual in household (must match IRS Tax Forms) or proof of income from any source of income (i.e. child support statement, alimony statement, DSS award letter, and/or SSI award letter)

  • Completed online registration form (one per child)

  • Paid registration fees (fee per camper).  

  • A letter from a community service provider (i.e. advocate, teacher, physician, pastor, etc.), family member, or parent, expressing the reasons why financial assistance is needed. 


**Please do not fill out the financial aid application until you have all the required documents ready to email**


Your privacy is taken very seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Financial Aid Application
Which camp are you registering your child(ren) for?
Do you qualify for free/reduced school lunch?
Are you currently employed?
Is spouse/partner currently employed?
Have you or your child(ren) participated in any of Trusted Parents programs (Focus Group Meetings, Training, Workshops, Camp, etc.)?
Is your child attending Camps at Trusted Parents with a sibling?

Please email the required documents to
Put "
Financial Aid Documents" in the subject line

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